Auto Manual of VW Passat B5

VW Passat
The maintenance instruction
1. Maintenance service
2. Engines
3. Cooling system
4. Fuel system
5. Engine management
6. An exhaust system
7. Transmission
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. A body
- 12. Heating, ventilation
   12.2. Ventilating nozzles
   12.3. The control panel a heater
   12.4. The lever central заслонки
   12.5. The block of management of a heater
   12.6. The block of resistors of a heater
   12.7. The block of management of a heater and the conditioner
   12.8. The conditioner compressor
   12.9. The heater fan
13. An electric equipment

49e3918c лечение спины

12. Heating, ventilation

12.1. The general information

Details of system of heating and ventilation

1 – скоба,
2 – the filter of pollen,
3 – the case,
4 – nozzles обдува a windscreen,
5 – nozzles обдува lateral glasses,
6 – forward nozzles,
7 – a cross-section arm,
8 – an adapter,
9 – the block of a heater,
10 – the fan of a heater,
11 – an adapter,
12 – a decorative overlay of the control panel a heater,
13 – the control panel a heater,
14 – the block of regulators of a heater,
15 – ropes,
16 – a radiator of a heater,
16 – the left bottom air channel,
18 – a connector,
19 – the top air channel,
20 – the distributor of a stream of air

Air submitted system of ventilation in salon of the car, can be warmed up or be cooled depending on the conditions of comfort chosen by the driver and passengers. Systems of heating and кондициони рования are separate, however units and knots of these systems settle down in a passenger compartment in the general case under the panel of devices. All stream it is submitted го to air salon goes for heating or cooling through the same casing. The temperature and speed of a stream of air is regulated by means of the same controls.

Heat allocated at work of the engine, is transferred by a cooling liquid to the radiator of a heater located in salon. The brought stream of air from ventilation system passes through a radiator and heats up heat of a cooling liquid of the engine proceeding in a radiator.

The central air deletes excessive heat and a moisture from salon according to the basic physical principles. The coolant circulating in the form of a liquid in that part of system where the high pressure is supported, evaporates and turns to gas on a site of low pressure. At gas expansion there is a cooling accompanied by selection of heat from air, submitted the fan in passenger salon and fall of its temperature. Further in process of passage through the condenser the coolant gives absorbed heat to air. The cycle of selection of heat continues ся infinitely long in process of coolant circulation on the closed contour. From air submitted to salon, there is a removal of a moisture owing to condensation on the evaporator of the refrigerating chamber.

Air central air represents potential danger. At its service observance of certain rules is required. For performance of the majority of operations on repair and system service кондициони рования the special equipment and certain skills of work is required.

Body ventilation is provided by formation of a through stream of air. Fresh air gets in the car through an air inlet, is located ный before a windscreen. Air stream comes to light through the final channels located on each side of a body about back shock-absorbers.

The size of a stream of air is regulated by the four-high-speed fan.

The system of heating of air of the mixed type is intended for fast reaction to change of temperature of air in salon and reduction of a pulsation of temperature of the warmed-up air. The cooling liquid of system of cooling of the engine constantly circulates in a radiator of a heater and the stream of a cooling liquid is not regulated. The adjustable factor is the temperature of air which changes mixing заслонкой, defining quantity of air, проходяще го through a heater radiator before its hit in car salon.

For a hit exception in salon of the car of fresh air there is a mode рециркуляции air.

Safety measures at service of a central air of air

The central air refuels a coolant "Freon R12", and system details are under working pressure over 300 atmospheres. A source of the raised danger at system improper maintenance by unprepared technicians and at use of not appropriate equipment is the high pressure and chemical influence of a coolant.

The automobile coolant "Freon R12" possesses dangerous influence on environment. For protection of environment firm the Volkswagen orders to use at depressurization of a central air the equipment on recycling and the processing, supplied with the certificate of insurance laboratory (UL).

The central air should be served is exclusively prepared ным by the technicians trained in safe working methods with application of the appropriate equipment with observance of rules of depressurization, acquainted with receptions of gathering and order of storage of an automobile coolant.

Do not suppose contact of a coolant by a skin.

At work near to a central air put on goggles.

At coolant hit on a skin or eyes do not pound the amazed place. Immediately wash out cold water within not less than 15 minutes. Immediately address to the doctor or in a medical institution. Self-treatment is not supposed.

The coolant is stored in a new cylinder under pressure. Store a cylinder at temperature not above 50 S.Prinimajte the measures excluding falling of a cylinder from height or other situations which can lead to its damage.

Works should be spent in well aired premise. The coolant quickly evaporates, leads to reduction of access of oxygen and the complicated breath.

The gaseous coolant is heavier than air and rather quickly should gather below, for example, under the car.

At coolant combustion poisonous gas is formed. Store a coolant far from open sources of fire. Do not smoke. At using ardent течеискателем avoid smoke inhalation.

At carrying out of welding works near to air central air always delete from it a coolant. Electric welding near to pipelines with a coolant can cause decomposition of a coolant under the influence of ultra-violet radiation.

Do not subject a detail of a central air to influence of a heat or an open flame. The overheat can lead to pressure increase in system and to ignition.

Clearing of the condenser or the evaporator by means of water steam is not supposed. It is necessary to use only cold water or compressed air.