Auto Manual of VW Passat B5

VW Passat
The maintenance instruction
1. Maintenance service
2. Engines
3. Cooling system
4. Fuel system
5. Engine management
- 6. An exhaust system
   6.2. The catalyst
   6.3. Operation of cars with the catalyst
   6.4. Турбонагнетатель
   6.5. Replacement of the muffler
   6.6. The oxygen gauge
7. Transmission
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. Heating, ventilation
13. An electric equipment


6.4. Турбонагнетатель

Турбонагнетатель the engine 1,8-I AEB

1 – the valve,
2 – a collar,
3 – дефлектор air,
4 – the pipeline of giving of oil,
5 – bolt М10х50,
6 – a final collector,
7 – bolt М6х12,
8 – a clip,
9 – a plate,
10 – a lining,
11 – the union,
12 – a pipe for a cooling liquid,
13 – турбонагнетатель,
14 – the pipeline of giving of oil,
15 – the pipeline of return of oil,
16 – a pipe for a cooling liquid,
17 – an arm

Турбонагнетатель the diesel engine 1,9 AHU

1 – a final collector,
2 – a connecting bolt,
3 – the pipeline of return of oil,
4 – the valve of pressure,
5 – a sealing ring,
6 – the union,
7 – a clip,
8 – an arm,
9 – a plate,
10 – the pipeline of giving of oil,
11 – турбонагнетатель,
12 – a bolt

On diesel engines and four-cylinder petrol engines with capacity of 150 h.p. It is established турбонагнетатель, fig. of Turbonagnetatel of the engine 1,8-I AEB see.

Capacity which can develop the engine depends on quantity of air and fuel which arrives in engine cylinders. For increase in capacity of the engine it is necessary to increase both quantity of submitted air, and fuel. Giving большего quantity of fuel will not give effect until there will be sufficient for combustion a quantity of air, surplus of not burnt down fuel that leads to an overheat of the engine which besides thus strongly smokes differently is formed. For increase in quantity of air submitted to the engine, it is used турбонагнетатель which compresses air submitted to the chamber of combustion.

Турбонагнетатель consists of the centrifugal air pump and the turbine, connected by means of the general rigid axis among themselves. Both these of an element rotate in one direction and with identical speed. Energy of a stream of the fulfilled gases which in usual engines is not used, here will be transformed to a twisting moment putting in action турбонагнетатель. Leaving engine cylinders the fulfilled gases have a heat and pressure. They are dispersed to a great speed and come into contact to shovels of the turbine which will transform their kinetic energy to mechanical energy of rotation. This transformation of energy сопровожда ется decrease in temperature of exhaust gases and their pressure. Турбонагнетатель sucks in air through the air filter, compresses it and submits to engine cylinders. Quantity of fuel which can be mixed with air, thus it is possible to increase that allows the engine to develop the big capacity.

For greasing турбонагнетателя engine oil moves under pressure on the special pipeline.

As турбонагнетатель works at high speeds, it is necessary to be careful and cleanliness that pollution have not got in турбонагнетатель and have not put it out of action.

The prevention

Before a detachment of any elements from турбонагнетателя carefully clear them of a dirt. For protection against pollution removed with турбонагнетателя elements arrange in the tight container. For an exception of hit of pollution in турбонагнетатель close air channels турбонагнетателя.

Between турбонагнетателем and an inlet collector the heat exchanger which reduces temperature of air submitted to the engine is established. Air cooling increases capacity of the engine as in cold air because of its higher density the oxygen maintenance increases.

On cars with engines AFN and AHH capacity of the engine increases at the expense of use operated турбонагнетателя. On operated турбонагнетателе there are adjustable directing shovels which cope the magnetic valve and the vacuum block. In this connection on all operational power setting турбонагнетатель creates optimum pressure of pressurisation that increases an engine twisting moment.