Auto Manual of VW Passat B5

VW Passat
The maintenance instruction
1. Maintenance service
- 2. Engines
   2.2. The general information
   2.3. The bottom mudguard of a motor compartment
    2.4. The four-cylinder petrol engine
   - 2.5. The diesel engine 1,9-I-TDI
      2.5.2. Removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders (the diesel engine 1,9)
    2.6. A drive газораспределительного the mechanism
    2.7. The engine 2,8-I-V6
3. Cooling system
4. Fuel system
5. Engine management
6. An exhaust system
7. Transmission
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. Heating, ventilation
13. An electric equipment


2.5.2. Removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders (the diesel engine 1,9)

Head of the block of cylinders of the diesel engine 1,9-I-TDI

1 – a cover of a head of the block of cylinders;
2 – a cover маслозаливной mouths. If a cover негерметична, replace a lining;
3 – a sealing lining. If the lining is damaged, it is necessary to replace it;
4 – тарельчатая a washer;
5 – a nut, 10 Nanometers;
6 – a cap;
7 – to an inlet collector;
8 – a collar;
9 – the valve of adjustment of pressure;
10 – the sealing plug. In the presence of damages it is necessary to use the new sealing plug.
11 – a lining of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders;
12 – a ventilation hose картера;
13 – a bolt of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders. At installation it is necessary to use new bolts. The moments of a tightening of bolts same, as well as at the four-cylinder petrol engine;
14 – a clip;
15 – a sealing ring. At installation it is necessary to use a new sealing ring;
16 – конусное a sealing ring;
17 – pipelines of giving of fuel under a high pressure to fuel atomizers. Replacement of pipelines is necessary for making in the complete set. Do not bend pipelines. Connecting nuts of pipelines tighten the moment of 25 Nanometers;
18 – a head of the block of cylinders;
19 – a lining of a head of the block of cylinders;
20 – a bolt, 20 Nanometers;
21 – an eye for engine lifting

Marks of a lining of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders by apertures and number

All operations on removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders of the diesel engine same, as well as operations on removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders of petrol four-cylinder engines. In the present subsection differences for diesel engines are resulted only.

1. Remove a gear belt.
2. Disconnect the tyre of giving of pressure from candles накаливания.
3. Clear places of connection of pipelines to fuel atomizers and the fuel pump of a high pressure. Unscrew connecting nuts and remove топливопроводы. Close apertures suitable stoppers.
4. Unscrew from a head of the block of cylinders of a candle накаливания and fuel atomizers.
5. For unscrewing of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders it is necessary to use a corresponding face key (for example, HAZET 990 Sig-12).
6. A tightening of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders make in the same sequence and the same moment, as well as on four-cylinder petrol engines.
The prevention

The head of the block of cylinders of the diesel engine should not be exposed to machining.

7. If on the engine new pistons are established, it is necessary to measure выступание pistons from the block of cylinders and on the basis of size выступания pistons it is necessary to choose a thickness of a new lining of a head of the block of cylinders.

Выступание pistons
Quantity of apertures
0,66 – 0,86 mm
0,87 – 0,90 mm
0,91 – 1,02 mm