Auto Manual of VW Passat B5

VW Passat
The maintenance instruction
1. Maintenance service
2. Engines
3. Cooling system
4. Fuel system
5. Engine management
6. An exhaust system
- 7. Transmission
   - 7.1.2. A coupling disk
      7.1.3. Removal of air from a hydraulic drive of coupling
      7.1.4. The basic malfunctions of coupling
    7.2. A mechanical transmission
    7.3. Automatic transmissions
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. Heating, ventilation
13. An electric equipment


7.1.4. The basic malfunctions of coupling

The coupling pedal easily is pressed or fails Low level of a liquid in system of a hydraulic drive of coupling
Damage выжимного the bearing or a plug of deenergizing of coupling
The spring of a press disk of coupling is damaged диафрагменная
Incomplete deenergizing of coupling (coupling conducts) Too high level of a liquid in hydraulic system of coupling
Jamming of a conducted disk of coupling on шлицах a primary shaft
Коробление a coupling disk
The knot of a press disk is incorrectly collected
The mechanism of deenergizing of coupling is worn out or incorrectly collected
Incomplete inclusion of coupling (coupling slips) Deterioration of overlays of a disk of coupling below an admissible limit
Pollution of overlays of a disk of coupling by oil or lubricant
The disk or ослабла диафрагменная a spring is faulty press
Jerks at coupling work Deterioration of overlays of a disk of coupling below an admissible limit
Pollution of overlays of a disk of coupling by oil or lubricant
The disk or диафрагменная a spring is deformed press
Transmission fastenings to the engine are weakened
The nave of a disk of coupling or шлицы an entrance shaft of a transmission is worn out
Noise by pressing or отпускании coupling pedals It is worn out выжимной the bearing
Are worn out or is absent greasing on plugs of a pedal of coupling
The knot of a press disk is faulty
Damage диафрагменной springs of a press disk
Damage демпфирующих springs in a coupling disk