Auto Manual of VW Passat B5

VW Passat
The maintenance instruction
1. Maintenance service
- 2. Engines
   2.2. The general information
   2.3. The bottom mudguard of a motor compartment
   - 2.4. The four-cylinder petrol engine
      2.4.2. A head of the block of cylinders
      2.4.3. Check of hydraulic pushers of valves
      2.4.4. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders
    2.5. The diesel engine 1,9-I-TDI
    2.6. A drive газораспределительного the mechanism
    2.7. The engine 2,8-I-V6
3. Cooling system
4. Fuel system
5. Engine management
6. An exhaust system
7. Transmission
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. Heating, ventilation
13. An electric equipment


2.4.4. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders Dismantling

1. Remove a head of the block of cylinders.
2. Unscrew and remove inlet and final collectors.
3. Remove camshafts and hydraulic pushers.

4. Compress in the order of a spring of valves the special adaptation and take crackers of fastening of a persistent top plate of a spring.
5. Remove the top plate.
6. Remove the top and bottom springs of the valve, paying attention not to damage a valve core
7. Take the valve from a head of the block of cylinders from outside combustion chambers.
8. Remove маслоотражательные caps.
9. Remove the bottom plate клапанной springs.
10. Place complete sets of details of valves in polyethylene bags and mark them for installation on the places.

Clearing and check

1. Clear traces of an old lining and hermetic from a head of the block of cylinders.
2. Clear a deposit from the chamber of combustion and cylinders, then wash up a head of the block of cylinders corresponding solvent.
3. Clear channels in a head of the block of cylinders with use of a wire brush.
4. Carefully check up a head on presence of cracks and other damages. In the presence of cracks on a head, the head is subject to replacement.
5. Using a metal ruler and щуп, check up planeness of an interfaced surface of a head.
6. Saddles of valves with wear tracks or подгорания are necessary for processing with obligatory preservation of corners and facet sizes. If the valve saddle is necessary for processing, define a maximum quantity of metal which can be removed. If the excessive quantity of metal is removed, hydraulic pushers cannot correctly work.
7. Insert the valve in directing and press it to a valve saddle.
8. Measure distance from the end of a rod of the valve to the top surface of a head of the block of cylinders. The minimum admissible distance of 33,8 mm for inlet valves and 34,1 mm for final valves. At excessive deterioration of a saddle of the valve processing is inadmissible also a head of the block of cylinders it is necessary to replace.
9. After any processing of saddles of valves it is necessary to make their grinding in.
10. Check up internal diameters of directing valves. If values exceed as much as possible admissible size it is necessary to replace directing valves in special repair shop.
The prevention

Replacement of the directing demands also repolishing of a nest of the corresponding valve.

11. Check up a plate of each valve on dot corrosion, прожог, cracks and the general deterioration.
12. If a valve condition well measure diameter of a core of the valve, in several points using a micrometer. Any essential distinction in the received data of measurement of a core of the valve specifies in deterioration of a core. In that case the valve is subject to replacement.
13. If valve are in satisfy тельном a condition it is necessary to make their grinding in. Grinding in of valves is necessary for making only with application of fine-grained polishing paste. A surface of a saddle of the valve grease with a small amount of paste and establish the valve in a corresponding saddle. Densely press to a valve plate a rubber sucker and rotate the valve in one or other party.
14. After the termination of process of grinding in all details carefully clear of a dirt and paste. Check up a saddle and a valve plate. The continuous matte ring on both details which specifies width of a facet of the valve should be visible.
15. Check up valve springs on deterioration and stratification, and also measure their length in a free condition. If there is a possibility, compare each of existing springs to a new spring.
16. Establish springs on a flat horizontal surface and check up their deviations from horizontal position. If though one of springs is damaged, replace completely all springs in the complete set.
17. Check up a condition of crackers of the valve, and also an installation site of crackers on the valve. In the presence of any defects the damaged details should be replaced. Maslootrazhatelnye caps are subject to replacement each time after their removal.
18. Check up details клапанного the mechanism and hydraulic pushers.


1. Before assemblage of a head of the block of cylinders carefully it clear.
2. Grease cores of valves and their directing with pure engine oil and insert valves into a head.
3. Establish the bottom plate клапанной springs.
4. Wipe the top part of a core of the valve from engine oil.
5. Establish the plastic plug or wrap up flutes for crackers in the top part of the valve a piece of a sticky tape for protection from damage of working edges маслоотражательных caps at their installation.
6. Grease with fresh engine oil маслоотражательный a cap and, using tubular оправку, establish on directing the valve.
7. Remove a sticky tape from a valve core.
8. Запрессуйте into place маслоотражательный a cap.
9. Establish springs and the top plate of springs.
10. Supporting the valve in the closed position, special приспособлени I eat compress a valve spring, and establish crackers. Slowly remove the adaptation for compression of a spring of the valve.
Repeat operation on the remained valves.
11. In end strike on the end of each core of the valve a plastic or copper hammer that the valve незначитель but was slightly opened, and all elements of the valve have fallen into place.