Locked back of a seat
If it is not possible to extend upwards the button of an unblocking And it is necessary In to unlock a key the lock being on the button.
Back folding
Extend upwards the button And and simultaneously incline forward a back. Now it will be visible a mark of red colour in the button. Thus on sitting there can be not removed headrests if backs of lobbies sitting is on sufficient distance.
The seat belt should not pass over the combined back as otherwise back натяжители belts at collision will work.
Otkidyvanie backs into place
Cast away a back into place and reliably fix it. Thus the red mark in a key And should not be visible any more. Track that seat belts at откидывании to the place of backs of seats have not been clamped and by that are damaged.
The prevention The seat back должка to be reliably fixed that at emergency braking no subjects from a luggage carrier could be thrown out forward.