Auto Manual of VW Passat B5

VW Passat
- The maintenance instruction
   Doors, the central blocking of locks
   Luggage carrier cover (a back door of the car the Versatile person)
   Remote radio management of locks
   Rear-view mirrors
   Seat belts
   System of inflatable pillows of safety
    Forward seats
   Memory for a driver's seat
   Storing of adjustments of a seat and external mirrors for advance
   Call of adjustments of a seat and external mirrors for movement by a forward course
   Back many-placed seat (Sedan)
   Back many-placed seat (Versatile person)
   Cover for lengthy luggage
   Luggage space
   Shelf of a luggage space (versatile person)
   Lay brake
   Mechanical transmission
    4-step automatic transmission
    5-step секвентальная an automatic transmission
   Adjustable steering column
   The ignition lock
   Engine start-up
   Engine stop
   Control devices
   Control lamps
   System of the automatic control with the multipurpose index
   Vital importance infringements (red pictogrammes)
   Infringements of minor importance (yellow pictogrammes)
   Navigating system
   Switches and switches
   The podrulevoj switch of indexes of turns and light of headlights
   Screen wipers and стеклоомыватели
   Heating and ventilation
   Nozzles of giving of air
   Climatic installation
   Nozzles of giving of air
    Climatic installation "Klimatronik"
   The podemno-sdvizhnaja panel of the hatch of a roof
   Internal illumination
   Box for things
   Plug receptacles in a luggage space
   How economically to operate the car
   Antiblocking system of brakes
   Protivobuksovochnaja system (the reduced twisting moment of the engine, ASR)
   Protivobuksovochnaja system with притормаживанием wheels (EDS)
   Electronic system of stabilisation (ESP)
   The steering amplifier
   Fuel (petrol engines)
   Fuel (diesel engines)
    Motor compartment
   Bases of safe operation of the car
   Bases of safe operation of the car
1. Maintenance service
2. Engines
3. Cooling system
4. Fuel system
5. Engine management
6. An exhaust system
7. Transmission
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. Heating, ventilation
13. An electric equipment


Nozzles of giving of air

Through all nozzles warm up moves in salon or not warmed up (depending on handle position) air.

Distribution of giving of air on nozzles is defined by position of the handle With.

In addition nozzles 3 and 4 can be separately open or closed.

The nozzle is closed: a lateral disk regulator on.

The nozzle is opened: a lateral disk regulator on.

Depending on position of a disk regulator the air stream changes the direction on height.

If to turn a disk regulator under a lattice дефлектора, the direction of an air stream in a horizontal plane varies.

Means snuffled 2 the bottom part of a windscreen remains not misted over.

How to clear of ice wind and lateral glasses

The switch In to establish on a step 3.

The handle And to turn clockwise against the stop.

The handle With on.

Nozzles 4 to establish so that air stream has been directed on lateral glasses.

How to prevent запотевание wind and lateral glasses

If at high humidity of air, for example, during a rain, windows mist over, it is recommended to make the following:

The switch In to put on a step 2 or 3.

The handle And if it is necessary to translate in a zone of heating of air.

The handle With to put on.

Through nozzles 4 it is possible to direct in addition warm air on lateral glasses.

Ventilation (giving of fresh air in salon)

At mentioned below position of controls from snuffled 3 and 4 not warmed-up fresh air moves:

The switch In to put on a desirable step.

The handle And to turn counter-clockwise against the stop.

The handle With on.

At запотевании a windshield to put the handle With on.

At will the handle With can be put also in other position.

Nozzles 3 and 4 to open.

How quickly to raise temperature in salon

The switch In to put on a step 3.

The handle And to turn clockwise against the stop.

The handle With to put on.

At запотевании a windscreen to put the handle With on.

Nozzles 4 to establish at will.

How to support in salon pleasant heat

After windows were cleared from запотевания and the temperature in salon has reached desirable level, it is recommended to make the following:

The switch In to put on a desirable step.

The handle And to establish on desirable heating.

The handle With to establish in a zone between "air Stream in a zone of feet" and "Clearing of ice wind and lateral glasses".

At запотевании a windshield the handle With to establish on.

Nozzles 4 to establish at will.

How to establish a mode of normal cooling of air

The switch In to put on a desirable step.

The handle And to put on desirable temperature of air (the heating is possible also).

The handle With to put in desirable position.

In such position of the handle one nozzle in the panel of devices should at least remain opened differently a refrigerating machinery can ice over.

Pressing of key D to include climatic installation.

Nozzles 3 and 4 to establish at will.

How to establish a mode of the maximum cooling of air

The switch In to put on a step 4.

The handle And to turn counter-clockwise against the stop.

The handle With to establish on.

In such position of the handle With one nozzle in the panel of devices should at least remain opened, differently the refrigerating machinery can ice over.

At запотевании a windscreen to put the handle With on.

In such position of the handle About a mode рециркуляции it is impossible.

All windows and podemno-sdvizhnuju the roof panel to close.

Pressing of key Е to establish a mode рециркуляции air.

The prevention

The mode рециркуляции air should be included, however, only for short time as at this mode fresh air does not arrive in salon.

Pressing of key D to include climatic installation.

Nozzles 3 and 4 to open.

At least one nozzle always should remain opened, differently the refrigerating machinery can ice over.

Economic operation of climatic installation

At installation work in a mode of cooling of air, the drive of its compressor is carried out from the engine and consequently character of using installation influences the fuel expense. That duration of work of climatic installation whenever possible to reduce it is necessary to consider following recommendations.

If the internal space of the standing car has strongly heated up under the influence of a sunlight, рекоменду ется for short time to open windows or doors to air salon.

If during movement windows are opened or the roof hatch it is not necessary to include climatic installation.

When the desirable temperature of air in salon can be reached and without inclusion of climatic installation is better to take advantage of system of ventilation of salon.

The general instructions

At a heat and the big humidity of external air probably капание a condensate from the evaporator and puddle formation under the car. This normal phenomenon and it is not a sign of infringement of tightness of system.

In any intermediate position it is possible to establish only handles And and With.

To avoid запотевания some glasses, it is necessary to include at small speed of movement of the car constantly handle In the lowest step of an operating mode of the fan, and the handle With to put in position.

If climatic installation for a long time did not include, it is possible at its inclusion occurrence of an unpleasant smell owing to any accumulation of adjournment on the evaporator. To avoid occurrence of an unpleasant smell, it is necessary to include climatic installation – as well in a cold season – at least once a month at the higher step of work of the fan. Thus to open for short time one of windows.

Heating ability of system of heating depends on temperature of a cooling liquid of system of cooling of the engine – therefore the biggest heating occurs at the heated-up engine to working temperature.

That heating, ventilation and climatic installation worked reliably, the aperture for a fence of the fresh air, located before a windscreen is necessary, to hold pure from ice, snow and leaves.

Used air leaves through exhaust outlets in a back part of a body; these apertures should not be partitioned off.

On the car a sedan it is impossible to block something a crack between a luggage shelf and back glass which serves for removal of used air.

Infringements in work of climatic installation

If failure of climatic installation it can be caused following reasons is observed:

 – Temperature of external air more low approximately 5 With;
 – Has fused a safety lock. It is necessary to check up a safety lock and if necessary to replace it. If a cause of a failure in work not in the burnt down safety lock, climatic installation it is necessary to switch off and address to experts;
 – Climatic installation was temporarily disconnected owing to too heat of a cooling liquid.

If has decreased холодопроизводительность installations, it is necessary to switch off installation and to address to experts.