Auto Manual of VW Passat B5

VW Passat
- The maintenance instruction
   Doors, the central blocking of locks
   Luggage carrier cover (a back door of the car the Versatile person)
   Remote radio management of locks
   Rear-view mirrors
   Seat belts
   System of inflatable pillows of safety
    Forward seats
   Memory for a driver's seat
   Storing of adjustments of a seat and external mirrors for advance
   Call of adjustments of a seat and external mirrors for movement by a forward course
   Back many-placed seat (Sedan)
   Back many-placed seat (Versatile person)
   Cover for lengthy luggage
   Luggage space
   Shelf of a luggage space (versatile person)
   Lay brake
   Mechanical transmission
    4-step automatic transmission
    5-step секвентальная an automatic transmission
   Adjustable steering column
   The ignition lock
   Engine start-up
   Engine stop
   Control devices
   Control lamps
   System of the automatic control with the multipurpose index
   Vital importance infringements (red pictogrammes)
   Infringements of minor importance (yellow pictogrammes)
   Navigating system
   Switches and switches
   The podrulevoj switch of indexes of turns and light of headlights
   Screen wipers and стеклоомыватели
   Heating and ventilation
   Nozzles of giving of air
   Climatic installation
   Nozzles of giving of air
    Climatic installation "Klimatronik"
   The podemno-sdvizhnaja panel of the hatch of a roof
   Internal illumination
   Box for things
   Plug receptacles in a luggage space
   How economically to operate the car
   Antiblocking system of brakes
   Protivobuksovochnaja system (the reduced twisting moment of the engine, ASR)
   Protivobuksovochnaja system with притормаживанием wheels (EDS)
   Electronic system of stabilisation (ESP)
   The steering amplifier
   Fuel (petrol engines)
   Fuel (diesel engines)
    Motor compartment
   Bases of safe operation of the car
   Bases of safe operation of the car
1. Maintenance service
2. Engines
3. Cooling system
4. Fuel system
5. Engine management
6. An exhaust system
7. Transmission
8. A running gear
9. A steering
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. Heating, ventilation
13. An electric equipment


Control devices

1 – a tachometre,
2 – the index of temperature of a cooling liquid,
3 – the index of a stock of fuel,
4 – a speedometer,
5 – electronic clock with digital indication or the display of the routeing computer,
6 – a field of indication of a position of the selector,
7 – the counter of a way with the service-indicator

The arrangement of control devices depends on concrete model of the car and engine type.

1 – the Tachometer

The arrow of a tachometre should not enter into a red zone of a scale at all.

Earlier switching on higher transfer allows to save fuel and reduces engine and transmission noise!

To pass to lower transfer follows as it is possible later, shortly before approach of that moment when there will be jerks in engine work.

During the period обкатки it is necessary to avoid work of the engine with the big frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft.

2 – Temperature of a cooling liquid

The index works at the included ignition.

At inclusion of ignition throughout several seconds blinks at check of working capacity a lamp of the precautionary alarm system ().

And – the Zone of low temperature

To avoid high frequency of rotation of the engine and not to give to the engine of the big loading!

b – the Zone of normal working temperature

At normal movement of the car of the marksman should be in an average zone of a scale.

At the big loading on the engine and a heat of external air, probably, from time to time arrow occurrence in the top zone of a scale.

It should not cause alarm until the lamp of the precautionary alarm system () will start to blink.

With – the Lamp of the precautionary alarm system

If during movement the lamp of the precautionary alarm system starts to blink, it is necessary to look first of all, what temperature the index of temperature of a cooling liquid shows.

If the arrow is in a zone of normal working temperature, it is necessary to add at the nearest possibility of a cooling liquid in cooling system.

If the arrow is in the right zone of a scale it means that the temperature of a cooling liquid is too high. It is necessary to stop the car, to switch off the engine and to establish the reason of rise in temperature of a cooling liquid.

3 – the Index of a stock of fuel

The index works at the included ignition.

Capacity of a fuel tank of the car makes approximately 62 litres.

If the index has reached a red zone of a reserve stock of fuel and simultaneously the precautionary lamp d burns, it means that remains about 7 litres of fuel.

4 – the Speedometer

5 – Electronic clock with digital indication

For installation of current time it is necessary to turn the button. This button is located on the right below about a tachometre.

Button turn counter-clockwise against the stop establish hours. At unitary short-term turn of the button there is a shift at one o'clock. At turn of the button and its deduction in this position there is a continuous shift of hours.

Button turn clockwise against the stop establish minute. At unitary short-term turn of the button there is a shift for one minute. At turn of the button and its deduction in this position there is a continuous shift of minutes.

By means of this button it is possible to establish hours with second accuracy:

 – The button to turn to the right until hours will not show time for one minute smaller, than control hours;
 – The button instantly to turn to the right when the second hand of control hours with an exact course will reach about full minute.

5 – the Analog watch with стрелочной indication

Hours with стрелочной indication are located in the bottom part of a tachometre.

The way вытягивания the adjusting button makes installation of current time. The button is on the right below about a tachometre.

At short-term вытягивании buttons there is a gradual movement of an arrow on minutes.

If the button is extended and kept in this position, at first arrows move slowly, and then speed of their moving increases.

5 – the Display of the routeing computer

The display of the routeing computer (multipurpose index MFA) along with the indication of current time gives more many the additional information:

 – Temperature of external air;
 – The instant expense of fuel;
 – The average expense of fuel;
 – The passed distance;
 – Average speed of movement;
 – Finding time in a way.

The pictogramme of parametre shown at present appears except for current time, at the top border of a display space.
Serial deducing of the additional information on the display is carried out at the included ignition by short-term pressing on балансирную a key In, located on the handle of inclusion of screen wipers.

If will press the top side of a key of the indication of various sizes to be replaced one behind another.

If will press the bottom side of a key of the indication of various sizes to be replaced one behind another upside-down.


The routeing computer is supplied by two automatic stores:

The store for information storage on separate trips (MFA 1) accumulates in itself from the moment of inclusion of ignition till the deenergizing moment its following data on a trip: the movement time, the passed distance and quantity of the spent fuel.

On the basis of this data average speed of movement, the instant and average specific expense of fuel pay off.

If throughout two hours from the moment of deenergizing of ignition car movement has been renewed, the new data is added to former and considered in calculations of average indexes. At a break in movement of the car lasting more than two hours all data in the store is automatically erased.

The store for information storage on total run (MFA 2) the car accumulates in itself all data by any quantity of trips up to achievement of total indicators of size of 100 hours of movement of the car, 10000 km of run and 1000 litres of the spent fuel. The saved up data serves for calculation of the average sizes of the specific expense of fuel received following the results of all trips and speed of movement.

When the limit of one of the named sizes is exceeded, the data in the store on total run is erased, and readout is started over again. This store unlike the store on separate trips does not erase the data after two hours of a break per car movement.

For inquiry of the data it is necessary to address to corresponding store by means of pressing a key And on подрулевом the switch стеклоочисти телей.

In the field of indications of hours with digital indication there is a corresponding indicator of the chosen store:

MFA 1 – (the store for information storage on separate trips),

MFA 2 – (the store for information storage on total run).

From stores it is possible to cause following indicators:

 – The average specific expense of fuel;
 – The passed distance;
 – Average speed of movement;
 – Movement time.

Deleting of the data in stores

If to hold pressed more than two seconds a key And, the data in the chosen store is erased.

At a detachment of the storage battery, the data containing in both stores is erased.


At ignition inclusion on the display there are index inscriptions "MFA 1" or "MFA 2" depending on what store has been chosen before.

Without the pictogramme – current time.

The indication of current time also vanishes at ignition deenergizing.

Installation of current time is carried out by means of turn of the adjusting button about a tachometre on a combination a guard of devices.

Temperature of external air


The range of indications from-40 With to 58 S.Pri the motionless car or at movement with very small speed shown value of temperature of external air can exceed some true value because of influence of thermal radiation of the engine.

On the cars equipped with climatic installation "Klimatronik" temperature of external air it is shown on the display of this installation, therefore it is possible not to request the multipurpose index about size of external temperature.

After ignition deenergizing there is last indication of temperature of external air in the store still approximately 3 hours. In case on the expiration of this time ignition will be included or before the expiration of this time the car will move throughout 3 hours with a speed about 20 km/h, on the display the updated size of temperature of external air will be highlighted.

The prevention

When you on size of temperature of external air do the conclusion about possibility of an icing of road, keep in mind, as at temperature above zero of degrees there can be an ice on road.

The instant specific expense of fuel

1/100 km

The fuel expense at the moment in litres on 100 km of run is shown. Calculation of the instant expense of fuel is made through 30 metres of run. On the motionless car last indication of the instant expense of fuel remains.

If after engine start the indicator of the instant expense of fuel that the first 30–40 metres of movement is chosen value of the average expense of fuel will be shown.

By means of indications of the instant expense of fuel it is possible to correct the style of driving according to the desirable expense of fuel.

The average specific expense of fuel

Average value of the specific expense of fuel, instead of size of the expense of fuel is highlighted at present.

This indicator starts to be highlighted right after coverings тридцатиметрового distances since that moment when the data in the corresponding store has been erased. Before instead of figures on the display strokes. During movement высвечивае мый the indicator is updated each five seconds.

At the chosen store for information storage on separate trips (MFA 1) on the display the average specific expense of fuel for the given trip is shown.

At the store for information storage on total run (MFA 2) on the display the average specific expense of fuel on all last trips is shown.

The quantity of the spent fuel is not shown.

The passed distance


At chosen store MFA 1 on the display run after inclusion of ignition or store clearing is shown.

At chosen store MFA 2 on the display run on all separate trips is shown.

The maximum value which can be shown, makes 9999 km. If run exceeds this value, is reckoned from zero

Average speed of movement


Everything that is stated in point "Average expense of fuel", it is fair and for point "Average speed of movement".

Movement time


Everything that is stated in point "Passed distance", it is fair and for an indicator "movement Time".

The greatest possible indication on size makes 99 hours and 59 minutes. When this size is exceeded again, reckoned from zero.

6 – the Field of indication of a position of the selector of an automatic transmission

Here the position in which there is a selector of an automatic transmission is shown.

7 – the Counter of the passed way/counter of daily run

The top counter shows the general run of the car, bottom – run since the certain moment (the counter of daily run).

Last figure of indications of the bottom counter means hundred-metre pieces.

Zeroing of the bottom counter is made by button pressing under a speedometer.

7 – Service-indicator

When there comes term of carrying out of the next servicing on the bottom counter (the counter of daily run) speedometer one of mentioned below a designation of a demanded category of maintenance:

 – Oil change service OEL or service Oil;
 – Inspection service service INSP.

Approximately in a minute after engine start the indication of a designation of necessary maintenance service disappears. You can include also the indication of daily run by pressing and keeping in the pressed position more than 0,5 seconds of the adjusting button of the daily counter.

The service enterprise a Volkswagen which spends maintenance service after realisation of works establishes service-indicator in a starting position.

If service has been spent not in the service enterprise a Volkswagen, service the indicator it is necessary to establish in a starting position in such order:

 – At the switched off ignition to press and keep in the pressed position the zeroing button under a speedometer;
 – To include ignition and to release the zeroing button only when on the display there will be strokes – one of the image of a necessary kind of servicing;
 – The minute button of installation of hours with digital indication to turn to the right (at hours with стрелочной indication the button to extend). On the display there will be a following "service –";
 – To switch off ignition. Only now initial installation is made for indication of necessity of servicing.

In any case it is necessary to establish only a necessary kind of servicing. Otherwise time of necessary service will be specified incorrectly. Pressing of the adjusting button it is possible to choose a separate kind of service.

It is not necessary to spend zeroing to the period between two maintenance service – the device will give incorrect evidences.

At the disconnected storage battery of the indication of run after servicing remain.

If after repair the speedometer is replaced, it is necessary to program service-indicator anew. This operation should be carried out in the service enterprise a Volkswagen. If service the indicator anew is not programmed, it is necessary to spend works on car maintenance service under "the Service book", instead of on the service-indicator.