5. On the top hinge of fastening of a door remove a cap (1) and unscrew a bolt (2) fastenings of the top hinge of a door.
6. Unscrew a bolt (4) bottom fastenings of the hinge of a door. At installation it is necessary to use a new bolt of the bottom fastening of the hinge of a door.
7. Moving a door upwards, remove it with шарнирных loops.
1. From above establish a door on шарнирные loops.
2. Screw in a new bolt of fastening of the bottom hinge and tighten its moment of 20 Nanometers, then tighten it on a corner 90 .
3. Screw in a bolt, крепящий the top hinge of a door and tighten its moment of 25 Nanometers. Establish a cap.
4. Through an aperture in a rack of a forward door stretch electric wires and connect electric sockets.
5. Fix a protective cover of wires on a rack of a forward door.
6. Establish internal furnish of the bottom part of a rack of a forward door.